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Valuing the territory, promoting development, reviving culture


This is the mission of DP H srls, a company that has been involved in the design and implementation of tourist, hospitality, hotel and agritourism activities since 2017.

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DP H s.r.l.s. a single shareholder
legal and administrative residence
C/da Tresolino 8/A – 98078 Tortorici (ME)
P.iva e Cod. fisc 03473140832
CAP. Soc. € 5.000.00 i.v –
REA ME – 239675
cod. univ. X2PH38J


The project

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The accommodation facility was built with the contribution of the Community fund PO FESR Sicily 2014/2020, thanks to a project funded under Action 3.5.1_02 – Aid published in the ANN.


Objectives of the project:

  1. Offer of an innovative and high quality tourist product, able to promote knowledge of the existing cultural and naturalistic heritage and to strengthen the role of tourism in the local economy;
  2. Promotion of the use of ICT;
  3. Improvement of the quality of life of the citizens of the area and improvement of the area’s economy and related industries;
  4. Promotion of sustainable development.


The project activities included:

  • an internal restructuring of the building with adaptation of the systems;
  • the purchase of furniture, equipment and systems;
  • creation of a website with e-commerce, high visibility, responsive;
  • creation of an app for mobile devices to be able to book and use the services offered;


Accomplished results:

The project has allowed the qualification of the offer of the district through the proposal of new product, strategic and organizational solutions.

L’innovazione si sostanzia nel servizio offerto che non consiste solo nella semplice ricettività intesa in modo tradizionale, ossia vendita dell’alloggio, ma in una ricettività supportata da tecnologie web qualificanti ed emergenti, completa, che mira ad educare, sensibilizzare e a valorizzare il patrimonio storico, culturale, artistico e paesaggistico del comprensorio, rispettandone le natura, le origini, il modo di vivere degli abitanti.

It is an innovative solution pursued through new and modern tools that allow the development of web services for tourism and cultural promotion. Just think of the availability of a website with e-commerce (booking and online payments), which at the same time informs customers about the area and offers alternative routes to better experience and get to know it.

Furthermore, the site, in order to facilitate access for disabled people to IT tools, was designed and developed following the principles of “High Visibility” outlined in Law 4/2004.

The company also makes available to users an application (app) for mobile devices in order to give customers the possibility of being able to use all the services offered in full autonomy.

They can use and book the services offered at any place and time (from booking accommodation, to the possibility of booking groceries or dinner to be found on their return, to cultural-environmental itineraries, visits to artisan workshops, etc.) allowing them to personalize your holiday to the maximum and in real time.

They can use and book the services offered at any place and time (from booking accommodation, to the possibility of booking groceries or dinner to be found on their return, to cultural-environmental itineraries, visits to artisan workshops, etc.) allowing them to personalize your holiday to the maximum and in real time. such as the construction of a photovoltaic system for self-consumption at the service of the structure.

Link to the official website of the OP ERDF Sicily 2014-2020:www.euroinfosicilia.it[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”2277″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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